The National Directorate of Employment (NDE) is a federal government agency setup in 1986 basically to help young people find gainful employment. With offices scattered across the geo-political zones of Nigeria, NDE acts as Job centres where unemployed people can go to for the following:

The National Directorate of Employment (NDE) is a federal government agency setup in 1986 basically to help young people find gainful employment. With offices scattered across the geo-political zones of Nigeria, NDE acts as Job centres where unemployed people can go to for the following:

  • 1. Skill acquisition opportunities
  • 2. Small-scale enterprise opportunities
  • 3. Local job vacancies
  • 4. Job search advice
  • 5. Master craftsman apprenticeship
  • 6. Agricultural skills training
  • 7. Graduate attachment program

And much more!.

Most Job seekers do not know about the NDE and what they have to offer. Visit one of their offices today and you will be pleasantly surprised. Please note that the NDE does not focus on “white collar” job placement, they like FAJ will encourage you to look at other opportunities with the goal of being self employed and an employer rather than a employee.

Check out our job centre page here to get their office addresses.